Nutrition And Health Care

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Essential Oils for Neuropathy

Essential oils have been famous for thousands of years for their medicinal powers. They’re thought to help calm the mind and body, and they could be used to cure a variety of ailments. As a result, they’re frequently seen as a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals.

Essential oils are intended for inhalation, and essential oils can also be applied to the skin after diluting with a carrier oil. It is generally not recommended that essential oils be eaten.

Nerve damage, often known as neuropathy, can cause discomfort and numbness in the affected areas. This is primarily a problem for diabetics’ legs and feet. Neuropathy in its most severe form can impact digestion and your heart rate.

Essential oils may help lower the intensity of some of these symptoms, while additional research is needed.

Benefits of Essential Oils

  1. Antimicrobial qualities in certain oils can aid in the treatment of infection.
  2. Essential oils may aid in the relief of pain caused by neuropathy.

Essential oils are frequently thought to be a natural “cure-all.” Not only are certain oils thought to help with disease and healing, but they may also help with:

  • relieves anxiety, tension, or stress
  • regulate your hormones by purifying the air you breathe
  • help you fall asleep faster by treating cuts, scratches, or illnesses

Pain alleviation and improved digestion may be two of the benefits for patients with neuropathy.

Famous Researches About Essential Oils

Roman chamomile, Peppermint, and lavender essential oils have been shown in limited trials to help with nerve pain. More research is required to analyze the possible advantages, dangers, and efficacy thoroughly.

Roman Chamomile

Roman chamomile may also assist in relieving muscle pain. According to a study published in 2014, Roman chamomile can help with inflammation. Oxidative stress was also reduced by chamomile.


Peppermint essential oil is a pain reliever that relaxes muscles and controls muscular spasms. In a 2002 study, researchers discovered that topical peppermint oil helped a 76-year-old lady with neuralgia.

This patient had been resistive to various treatments, but she had virtually immediate pain relief after putting topical peppermint oil to her skin. After application, the relief lasted four to six hours.

According to evidence, Peppermint oil may also help reduce indigestion and ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Lavender is a well-known sleep aid and pain reducer.


Lavender was discovered to have a calming and relaxing impact on lab animals in a 2014 study. Researchers have established the anticonvulsant and anti-spasm properties of lavender plant extract.

Using Essential Oils in Diabetic Neuropathy

We can use essential oils in a variety of different ways. You can use a topical technique to relieve discomfort. For every 12 drops of essential oil, 1 ounce of carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil, should be added, and this will keep the essential oil from irritating or inflaming your skin.

Combine your favorite essential oil with massage oil to massage the affected area. The essential oil will be diluted by the massage oil, making it safe to apply to your skin. You can also add a tiny amount to your bath water and soak it as it absorbs into your skin.

Some of the symptoms linked with nerve pain, such as tension, loss of sleep, and worry, maybe alleviated by diffusing essential oils into the air.

Risks of Essential Oils

Essential oils, like herbal supplements, are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. To verify that you’re getting genuine essential oil:

  1. Read all labels.
  2. If there are other substances in the oil, make sure you know what they are.
  3. Keep an eye out for allergies.

Before applying the oil to a broad skin region, perform a patch test on a small area of skin. Stop using it if you detect any breakouts, itching, or red spots. Before using the oil, make sure to dilute it. Applying essential oils to the skin without diluting them might cause discomfort and inflammation.

Consult your doctor before taking essential oils if you are pregnant.


Diabetic neuropathy is a severe health condition that can be caused by diabetes. It can result in nerve damage and even loss of sensation, leading to infection and other problems. If you’re suffering from diabetic neuropathy, it’s essential to have a qualified neurologist give you an accurate diagnosis and recommend treatment options. To consult the best neurologist, visit MARHAM.PK.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- Which oil is best for numbness?

Lavender is an essential oil and is regarded as one of the best oils for treating tingling sensations. It contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic characteristics that aid in relieving nerve pain and healing nerve damage.

2- Why is diabetic neuropathy worse at night?

Our body temperature swings and drops a little at night, and most people prefer to sleep in a more relaxed environment. Damaged nerves are supposed to interpret temperature changes as pain or tingling, heightening the experience of neuropathy.

3- Can nerve damage from diabetes be reversed?

Taking care of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes-related nerve damage is irreversible, and this is due to the body’s inability to heal injured nerve tissues usually.

4- What essential oil helps neuropathy in the feet?

Borneol, a chemical found in chamomile and lavender essential oils, may aid with neuropathy pain and inflammation.


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