Nutrition And Health Care

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Some surprising facts about Dizziness and Vertigo

If you have vertigo, you may feel like the things around you or the room is spinning around you when you are standing still. As a result of motion sickness which often occurs in vertigo you have experience nausea or vomiting. If you are experiencing vertigo it is much more than feeling dizzy. In vertigo it is difficult for you to do any work or even walk properly and you may fall and sometimes getting injured. While dizziness is a common ailment and symptoms of many health conditions. If you suffer from occasional or chronic dizziness you should see a dizziness doctor for the proper treatment of chronic dizziness. Occasional dizziness is very common in adults and these dizzy spells are uncomfortable while vertigo affecting 40% of people over the age of 40.  Dizziness and vertigo may be caused by different factors. The question is that how do you differ if you have vertigo or ordinary dizziness? The difference between both is that in vertigo you feel spinning sensation that cause nausea or vomiting and in dizziness it makes you feel momentarily unbalanced. There is some surprising fact that you may feel dizziness and also experience nausea.

  • The most common cause of dizziness is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV vertigo. In this your inner ear contains calcium carbonate crystals and when these crystals broke and float into your semicircular canals, you may have a spinning sensation. With the help of a physical therapist this mechanical problem can be corrected. So, the BPPV is common inner ear related balance disorder and this type of vertigo affects older adults.
  • Your inner ear’s balance system control the blood flow and it has the ability to know which way is up. When you move from down to standing up, both inner ear structures detect gravity and it tell the heart to direct blood flow to accommodate your change in position. When this process is disturbed it may cause dizziness.
  • When you have a low level of vitamin B12 it can cause dizziness. It may lead to a number of neurological problems, including feeling of balance, and having low blood pressure and low blood flow to your brain. Vitamin B12 can be detected through a blood test if you are having dizzy spells. Dairy products, meat and cereals are a better source for vitamin B12.
  • Sometimes you feel dizzy spells when you suddenly woke and get up from the bed but sometimes dizziness is a sign of a heart condition.
  • Sometimes migraines cause dizziness with or without headache. There are many symptoms which occur in migraine related vertigo is sensitivity to light, motion and sound and those people who have migraines experience dizziness and vertigo.
  • Sometimes many people feeling dizzy because of anxiety.
  • The dizziness and vertigo may occur because of the side effects of many medications like drugs for blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
  • You should consider the facts that cause dizziness because along with other symptoms, they also point to something more serious. You should consult your vertigo specialist to find out the problem of dizziness and vertigo.


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